about us
The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that consists of individuals and also companies who are active in seed importation and tries to create coordination in the activities of seed importers and help to remove unjustified obstacles in seed importation, improve the efficiency and services of each member of this effective group as much as possible and upgrade it to a higher level.
The tremendous advances in technology in the field of plant breeding and biotechnology have provided vast opportunities to increase yield and improve the quality of agricultural products. Using these developments is very effective and necessary for Iran, which has reached the border of crisis due to drought and serious reduction of water reserves.
The import of improved seeds in the last few decades has not only compensated for the lack of domestic production of high-quality seeds, but in crops such as vegetables, oilseeds, sugar beet and potatoes, the yield per unit area and the quality of the produced products have been significantly increased.As an example, the yields of tomatoes (100 to 150 tons per hectare), watermelons (70 to 100 tons per hectare) and greenhouse crops (300 to 400 tons per hectare).On the other hand, the seeds of many crops such as watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, pepper, cabbage, carrot and short-day onion (for the southern regions of the country) are not produced in the country, or the production volume is very small, so the importation of such seeds is inevitable. In addition, in some special cases, such as the need to grow seeds suitable for greenhouse and industrial use, or seeds resistant to plant diseases and resistant to transportation and …, imported seeds should be used mostly, because the preparation and production of special hybrid seeds with high quality Competing with the world’s high consumption figures, even if it is technically possible, it is economically uneconomical for the small market of Iran.According to the above conditions, the services of the seed importing companies, which compete with each other, constantly strive to find the best and latest high-yielding and resistant cultivars in the world and supply them to Iranian farmers, for the country’s agriculture and help to get out of the water crisis.