Article 9_ Membership and its Conditions;
All the activists related to the activity of The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran can become the main members of The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran with the following conditions:
A_ Having Iranian citizenship
B_ Having a valid business card in Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture OF IRAN
C_ Having customs documents PROVE THE SEEDS IMPORTATION
D_ Acceptance and commitment to comply with the provisions of the statute
E_ Payment of entrance fee and annual membership
Note 1_ If the member loses any of the membership conditions or due to social deprivation, based on the definitive rulings of the judicial authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, their membership will be suspended until the above conditions are met again.
Note 2_ Suspension is a kind of stop of membership that occurs when any of the conditions of membership are revoked. In case of reinstatement of the revoked conditions, the membership will be valid again. The member is entitled to use his legal rights, subject to his/her membership rights and other financial obligations. Pay The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran for the entire period of suspension.
Note 3_ Those members who lose their membership for any reason will not have the right to participate in the general meetings, vote and nominate for the members and use the services of “The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran”.
Note 4_ Honorary and affiliated membership is possible with the approval of Iran Chamber and without voting rights
Article 10_ Duties of Members
All members of The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran are obliged to comply with the provisions of the constitution and regulations of the bylaws and resolutions of the general assemblies and are bound to cooperate to achieve the goals of the “The Association of Improved Seed Importers of Iran”.